Being a sociology major is so interesting, you learn so much about why the world is how it is. Culture, Society, Class etc. Some of it is great and other things we learn are horrible. Things that make me cringe, things I wish I didn't know; but at the same time I'm glad I'm I learn the things I do so that I'm aware and I can maybe do something to make a change.
The thing I learned this week that was horrible is about some orphanages in third world countries. Some orphanages give out pedophile tours. This is where people from Europe, the US and other countries can come to these orphanages and do what ever they want with the kids (obviously inappropriate things) and then they give the orphanage money to buy food and stuff like that when they're done. HOW SICK IS THIS?! What sick person does that? As if these kids don't already have it bad enough...
Another thing that is so sad is that in some orphanages in some countries if the boys are not adopted by the time they're eight, and the girls by the time they're 12 they get sold into slavery! I had no idea that this was happening it makes me sick; and at the same time grateful for the major I chose. No change can ever happen until people are aware, the more that people are aware the better.